so, just though i'd continue stuff about my american trip.
3rd day
uhh... wait lemme sort out what I did on this day.
oh got it. :D we went to NBC studios. it was pretty cool, looking at studios and seeing presenters present. (wth)
I also got to know that in reality , studios aren't as big as we see on screen. IT'S A SCAM PEOPLE. they have crushed my dream T_T
I felt like taking pictures but since it's subject to copyright we weren't allowed. dammit.
later on in the day we went to central park. IT WAS HUUUUGE. I promise you i'll post pictures of it later on. it's so pretty <3 style="font-style: italic;">how encouraging am I.
then since it was so cold and the winds were picking up, we went next door to the metropolitan museum of art.~
oh and while I was walking up the stairs to go in the museum, an old man beside me JUST FELL OUT OF THE BLUE. (no, not out of the sky, I meant he tripped so suddenly it startled me)
and he was bleeding. 0_____0
ms sabbagh ran over to the man and asked if he was alright. I think he was crying? idk.
the boys wanted to help him up but the police got him and we were left to go inside.
so, the museum wasn't all that bad, but the sculptures are vulgar that I had to close my eyes. :D some painting were like that too. what's with romans and greeks out there...
then after we went out, we found out that the old man that fell was just brought in into the ambulance. we spent a freakin hour in that museum and the ambulance just came? hoo boy.
and I forgot about the rest of the day :D maybe carisa or andin can give a better explanation.
4th day
so, this day... we headed to washington. we watched national treasure one and two on the bus, which tells us mostly about america. which was great. GO NICHOLAS CAGE.
this day was full of memorials and stuff so although I did take lots of pictures, it was pretty normal. nothing really special.
except maybe the white house and embassy row :D
now, we went to the memorials of lincoln, kennedy, jefferson and roosevelt. also the war memorials of the korean and the iwojima war. many statues and quotes, nothing special much.
oh, a fact: did you know that the National Mall isn't a mall where we shop? :D it's a place between the lincoln memorial and washington monument. there's a huge pool in the middle. i'll give a picture~
and it's also the area between the smithsonian museums and the capitol - washington monument. I forgot which one XD
we only got to see the white house from afar, which wasn't all that great since I wanted to kill bush with a shoe. :D and maybe see obama.
oh speaking of obama, I found the obama bobbleheads. -gubrak- I thought it didn't exist and yet there it was. scary yarr? there was also mccain but his bobblehead was scary so I didn't buy.

SO, it was all the embassies of the world; I couldn't count. THERE WAS INDONESIA SO IT WAS FAAABULOUS. :DDDD
it also looked better than the one in qatar. ah america <3
i'll post pictures after my camera's charged.
7 peeps who replied:
u guys had so much fun D:
@ jimprz:- LIKE U DDNT?! think of th ppl who never got t leave this country!
so anyways, cania.. THT FAABULOUS PIC IS EPIC WIN. n th jumping man tht bled ws freaky. i cnt believe u witnessed such a thing DX
n wts an embassy row? a row of embassies? I WNTED T LOL AT NATIONAL MALL bt since i ws eating shawarma i cudnt.
btw cania u shud have just 1 ntry filled with photos n captions :D
@hamzah: but judging from nisa's blog you guys had so much fun too...
@syania: yes an ebassy row is a row of embassies.
i thought lelouch would be FABULOUS for this so yeah. XD LOL NATIONAL MALL.
i'm planning to do that :D -the photo thing
not like Oman or th UAE. well oman has some. bt UAE wut they only hav tall skyscrapers
well you're right :D
i think UAE's nice though D<
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