funny convos during friday night

Sunday, 23 November 2008


first, I will have to say: CURSE YOU HAMZAH AND NISA CURSE YOUUUUU. >D (farah should get the blame too.)

well, I hate spoilers you know. and they were talking about avatar 3rd season and I WAS LIEK 'NUUUUUU' when they started talking about the last ep.

and so, that is how they tricked me. (LOH KOK? MOAR DETAIL PLS.)
then go to nisa's blog :D

then, heidi got shot. :D

nisa's blog sums this up perfectly, but lemme add some stuff.

nisa: you know, haidy ditembak in 7th grade.
me & hamzah: WHUAT????
nisa (with a stupid cow expression): yeah. :D
me: HOW????? (hamzah emphasized this part)
nisa: well, it was at the library.


then, this cleared it up.
nisa: yeah by this dude ibrahim.
hamzah: who the heck is ibrahim? 0____0
nisa: don't you remember? ~
hamzah: so he shot haidy???? (emphasis)
nisa: yes :D
hamzah: WITH A GUN AND ALL???
me and hamzah: -stares for 1 sec- OOOOOOH AHAHAHAHAHAH

there you go. :D
there are more but there are too many to list~ it was a very begadjulan night.

other than farah coming in without us knowing (except khalid toetoeotoetot) and me and hamzah guessing the song sang by lea salonga in the asian games (we were fired up XD) AND MORE, that's it. :D
if dhe3 was there there'll be more to list, iya ga dhe? XD sayang kamu ga dateng yah.



okay, there are 3 main things that I MUST talk about. :D

first, the morning walk. the air in the morning is so refreshing ~ since I have a balcony I feel it everyday but still I don't exercise much.
so, when I arrived at the corniche, almost everyone was already there. mostly muaither peeps. and yeah, they started the walk JUST AFTER I joined em. kehkeh.
we kept walking while taking pictures, then until the orry statue we all went back. the guys wanted to go on but we were told to come back for breakfast so yeah. when we came back, most of the mats were inhabited by grown-ups so we had to sit on the grass (still, it was shady :D). fajar and umar were sittin on a bench (lucky them =.=) and hamzah was being emo under a palm tree. ~
after we ate we just talked and did stuff. the isyna kids were climbing trees (excluding hamzah I think?) and me + the others just looked on em. khalid's pose on the tree was mantap. XD
the pictures we all took turned out great~ there was one where me and carisa did a cartwheel in the sunrise and we did the exact same pose midair. I think syania has it in her facebook? :D?
you shall see pictures in anyone's facebook about the morning walk ja peoples. I has no facebook and so I do not have a life. :D
I mostly hung out with nisa, dhe3, dinda, indira, syania and other peeps. <3 wait actually I hung out with everyone. bwhahaha.

okay, after the morning walk and we all came home at lunch probably. I arrived at 10 am and an hour later dhia came for a photoshoot. :D carisa and dhia did most of the photoshoot since I am not good at those kind of stuff.~ though I did one picture and that was that.
the burst photos were HILARIOUS. that was the only thing I regretted not doing. the rest it's okay because I think I am not photogenic XD
what was I doing? well, basically just playing this RPG called Ice and Dark. it's so sad T_T I finished it in 1 day. I got it off a forum where the community make the RPGs with this program called RPG maker VX. pretty cool eh? the games are amazing there.
eventually I joned the forum and my role is just a writer for the stories.
you can see the pics in whichever of dhia's places: her facebook, blog, DA... they're pretty cool I tell you. I am glad I have a photogenic sister. hehehe

the night following my mom and dad had a pengajian in muaither and so I went to nisa's house to do meh DT hw. it was a perspective room. ~ we promised that morning that we'd do them together 'cause we just needed to do em. :P
we started them after we randomly went to syania's house for no apparent reason. when we came back to her house hamzah was sitting on (on? I mean in front of) nisa's piano. then we decided the start working on the hw.
later on khalid and umar and farah tagged along. mostly me, nisa, hamzah and farah talked about random stuff. it was fun though XD
and I guess that's about it.

(omg how random)



Tuesday, 18 November 2008

well, syania and dhe3 did this... so why shouldn't I? :D

Name: Cania
Date: 11/18/2008
Colorgenics Number: 12746530

You are the sort of person that needs a peaceful environment. You seek release from stress and freedom from conflicts and disagreements, of which you seem to have had more than your fair share. But you are taking pains to control the situation by proceeding cautiously and you are right in doing so as you are a very sensitive person.

Your situation is such that at this time it is essential that you resolve your inherent problems immediately. You are not listening nor taking heed from your many friends and advisers, all of which believe it or not, 'wish you well'. Most of your colleagues feel that your attitude is out of context - an attitude of recklessness and desperation. It is imperative that some solution be found, but whatever you do, think before you act.

You give the impression that you are a self-sufficient individual, pretending that you are stoical - indifferent to pain or pleasure. But this is not so, for in truth you are an extremely emotional person, one that may make hasty decisions and perhaps repent at leisure. It is time now perhaps to break the bond of detachment and become the real 'you' - the you that you would like to be.

You are feeling extremely nervous and frustrated. At this moment you are impatient, erratic and irritable. It could be that you are not feeling that well at this time - possibly suffering from hypertension. You feel that the situation is threatening and dangerous. You are resentful that what you have striven so hard for is being menaced and you are at your wits end because you feel powerless to prevent it. You are fearful that everything can collapse on you like a pack of cards and that you could lose everything. You are unable to view the situation objectively. You are attempting to remove or minimise this threat but you are overextended to the point of nervous prostration.

You have so many ideas that you would like to revitalise but you need to realise a stable and peaceful condition to do so. Once you can free yourself from all the aggravation and tension around you, you will make strides that may amaze you. You will not be prevented from achieving all the things you so desire.

... to be honest, this is actually true. XD but I am not an overly stressed person... entirely. schoolwork kills, you people know that. :P

skul fayah + other stuff

Sunday, 16 November 2008

2 days ago was school fair. :D it was normal. though honestly last year was more fun, but I got experience in this year's skul fayah.

please do note that skul fayah = skul fire. /getshot

anyway, I got 2 balloons from mullineux's stall and got tresa twice and mr carver twice when I threw them sponges. XD
the french cafe was cool ~ great job dhia + farah.
most of the day I hung out with hamzah syania and afif but I got to talk with my school friends too. also my fellow indo-ers. kehkeh.

I brought muffins for my stall. :D

how long has it been? more than the usual 4 days I guess. yesterday at saturday the whole day I was busy. kaifa was normal, we still begadjulan as ever. :P after that I got some time before I went to piano (to make up for my missed lesson on tuesday). apparently andin was there when I came - her mom was in the car; and at the end om susilo was in HIS car so dhe3 or rania must've been there as well.

THIS ISH BARY BARY IMPORTANT PART. (I need a penalty for having bad grammar...)
when I finshed my lesson he was just standing there looking at the glass case upstairs and I almost tabrak him and I was liek 'whoa! oh hey' AND HE WAS LIEK 'hey' IN A BARY SMALL VOICE BUT JA.
carisa wanted my head when I told her that. -useshelpmiemote-

that's it. :D

oh speaking speaking (ngomong2 in boii language XD) my expedition is in 2 weeks ja and my american trip is a week later ja.
when that is all over I shall enjoy my whole month of winter vacation~ oh the joy of winter.

BLEACH IS COOL ASLIJDVHOWDJIBVEORYG. <<< oh hey there's an 'asli' in that epic typo.

motivation :D

Monday, 10 November 2008

I had too many things in school going on that I forgot to type about SBM. well, basically it was pretty cool. I enjoyed the presentation. some pretty cool stuff about paradigm. while I was amazed by it, andin and tresa said that there's this book about the seven habits or something, and they said it's amazing. I think it was andin that has the book, and I said that i'll borrow it from her one day. XD

almost everyone was there, and it was cool. I got to meet new friends and chat with the usually-friendly-but-not-really-our-gang people (including: ddol, boi, etc etc). elang was there too and he's chatty as usual. I chatted with him a lot with syania.

because of that experience we got to learn how different we are from other people, including our friends. and wth I am good at coaching? hell no. I suck at those kind of things :P
and there was a time when we were all eating and me, dhe3, hamzah and jihad were discussing school trips. dhe3 told me that george sampson's DVD will be released and I promised her that i'll buy it when i'm in the USA. :D now I have something else to add to my must-buy-when-in-USA list.
jihad also said the reason he joined science club was because of ms macleod XD I lol-ed.

not much to say as about now, but I am very certain that I phail at my end of term tests. i'll have to be ready for my mom's lashes of words at me.
and also, I started to read bleach. it is so hell funny and serious at the same time, I love it.
and KHR; DAMMIT WHY WON'T YOU HURRY UP AND AIR AND GET SUBBED. seriously the suspense of millefiore is killing me :x not to mention the secrets of arcobaleno.
naruto; even though now i'm only reading the manga, there's a new shock: kakashi. FHLIXBRJGOSIRUGHLSIUHG. -no comment about this one-
oh, and yay for shugo chara and vampire knight.
-has nothing to say about DGM except the fact that if you rearrange mr gray's name it'll be D.Gray-Man. haha. sarcasm not intended-

... I have a picture to prove it :D

this week, these school days

Saturday, 8 November 2008

uh, apparently it will take too long if I summarise the week so i'll just do after school activities I guess. (can you actually resist typing EVERYTHING? -grins-)

I started chess in wednesday. it was pretty cool. me and marshii were having layout issues for the magazine and we stayed after school, dragging syania. and I had to stay up late at night to finish some. now I still got about 2 to finish, but anyway.
marshii somehow wanted to join the chess club, and I thought hey, why not. i'll join too. she was all gay and happy and I couldn't reject. ;P we were with syania and carii and hikmah. apparently they wanted to do music in the girl's break area, where the other guys usually hang out. I think the reason was you know who. carisa and syania insisted that they wanted to go there, despite syania's feud (lol feud. fight would be a proper word...) with fajar.
when we stomped into the girl's area I felt fajar's glare at me. scary as I was, I actually went (read: ran) to the library just to find something to read, then that's where I found the chess club. me and marshii laughed quite hard in there and mr johnson shushed us. ah well. then we joined in and marshii played with mr johnson (she lasted a whole minute against him. cool.) while indra then came in and I played with him. we were even 0____0 to our surprise. we didn't finish our game and it was time to go home. ha. he said we'll continue next week since thursday he had badminton.

at thursday I went to chess. indra told me it'll be better for me to go to badminton but since I didn't bring my PE kit I couldn't. so I went to chess. marshii had swimming with nisa.
I saw indra cream iwan and that's when syania and carisa came in to fetch indra to badminton. it was fun seeing iwan's frustrated look when he lost his 2 knights XD then indra had to go.
a minute later lavinia came in and played a game against this yr 12/13. then she went to badminton as well, I think. but judging by syania's entry, she must have.
then I played this year 7 dude while iwan played another dude. I lost, but he said I was hard to beat. the game between me and him took 30 minutes 0____0
then mr johnson fought this guy and lost. my jaw dropped. I think he was in my year... i've seen him with hamzah or somebody. though maybe I am wrong. during the match he said 'poon' instead of 'pawn', so me and the others laughed at mr johnson's comment on that.
what surrised me was that mr johnson wasn't scared to say mild bad words. like ass, and some things. it was a good game nonetheless.
almost during the end, mr johnson asked me to get the library keys from the front security gate. while I did, the football guys including fajar, khalid and hafiz came out to go home. at that time fajar glared at me for a while. I looked at my watch, pretending to check the time when actually I was scared. he looked away to talk to khalid and hariz.
then I got the keys and it was time to go home.

now, because of chess and my intention to join badminton, I have to go home at 2 every school day. @_@
well I might get something good out of this. :D

the world is in our future.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

I apologize for the slight delay of my blog entries. I have been very busy and had no time to do so. please forgive me. -bows-


starting the blog with a formal intro. looks like I got to used to getting ready for english exams. SATs preparations are hovering me somehow still. and now, here I am, doing IGCSE... -shudder- I'd hate to think that I might fail 100% if I do my IGs now. bwahahhaha.

recently i've been digging for piano sheets. i've found quite a few KH ones (they're pretty good *0*) and some fruits basket, some cardcaptor sakura. one naruto song, and you know what it is; sadness and sorrow. also requiem for a dream.
I felt the need to print it all out and put it all into my vacant piano book which I planned to use with bu dian. ah well. I shall do that when I have free time on my hands. :D though maybe I should print it out before my finale notepad expires.
.mus files are so profitable -touched- it can play the piano sheet on the comp, which means no need for .midi files.

now i'm starting to type without looking at the keyboard. or maybe I type too fast for my eyes to see, to the point it made me thinking that I type without looking at the keyboard. XD
I remember that there's some double keyboards in indo where you can type words and piano notes. get it? keyboards. (lol I fail.) I want it :3 it's useful when you wanna play computer and have to practice for piano lessons at the same time.

oh, referring to my title of the day; USA ELECTIONS. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE OH GOD LET OBAMA WIN. and don't let him get assassinated when he does get elected, mind you. I will refuse to support mccain, for various reasons:

1) he's old. old people die fast. who will rule america when they know he will die very soon? not convincing ja.
2) he's like a second bush. both from republic party, which means both are disaster.
3) who knows what he'll do to the middle east when he does get elected. scary.
4) he is old. enough said.

lol wth I am racist to old people. though actually I doubt horribly that he's anything like bush. I mean, people are different. so basically why I will not support him is because he's old. he should enjoy retirement and R.I.P.
but I prefer obama 'cause he's proven his point. :D it's about time someone like martin luther king stepped in. not becuase martin is a clergyman, but because he abolished racism (somewhat) in america.
which is why, people, don't be racist >:B

winter's coming.
yaaay~ which means I get to get out my school sweater. it's warm and I like it XD

global warming sucks.

-off to read eclipse-

oh happy... days?

Saturday, 1 November 2008

when was the last time I updated this blog? 0____0 must've been a long time since I did. too many things happening.

i'll just recall the fun parts of my 4-day hiatus. :D

1st: my sister went to IA for about 2 days and I got the room free for 2 days. I went like YAAAAY and had peaceful days.
2nd: RO; I haven't played it in a while so at about friday or so I played it again. I made an archer and had my merchant into a blacksmith. I really should train my monk 0____0
and at least make aeiri until level 99.
3rd: there was a virus roaming around msn for a while. I guess it started from dhia's friend, then dhia, then dhe3, then umar. and the latter 2 gave it to me but I didn't click the link. haha.
4th: well, I stole the tablet from carisa's comp and had a pchat with dhe3 and hamzah. well it was more of dhe3's curhat. me and hamzah intently listened to her rants since we told her it'll be better to let it all out. and she did. then we all go lega. XD
5th: school... not much to say except the fact that I have a major math hw which I didn't start yet. and we also had this chemistry project that we had to do.
6th: last night I went to nisa's house for that chem project. we talked, played piano, talked, check computer for more piano songs, talked, and did our project during that whole period. we managed to finish the posters before farah went home. we planned to show off farah's skill to hamzah but he missed it. YOU MISSED IT -JRENG-
man I still love saying that. XD
me and nisa regretted that we didn't record her playing. it was better than dhe3's fur elise *kyaa* no offense. :D
the five of us (me, nisa, hamzah, fadhli, salman) wandered around nisa's house. we did many stuff before I had to go home. random stuff I have to say 0____0
oh and I think I left nisa's home berantakan. sorry nisa >_<

and I guess that's it.
I seriously have to finish drowned wednesday and eclipse before tomorrow. and also my hw... @_@
-off to watch KHR-